Tribhuwan University

BHM 1st semester
Principle of Management (POM) Study Notes

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Introduction to Management

Business Environment

Evolution of Management Theories

Planning and Decision Making

Course Details

Unit 1: Introduction to Management

Management: concepts, features, significance; levels of management; functions of management; types of managers; managerial roles and managerial skills. Emerging challenges of management in hospitality industry.

Unit 2: Business Environment

Concept of business environment; components of business environment: internal and external; SWOT analysis: concept and components: social responsibility: concept and approaches; areas of corporate social responsibility

Unit 3: Evolution of Management Theories

Classical Theories of management: scientific management theory, administrative management theory and bureaucratic management theory; Human Relation Approach (Hawthorne Studies); Behaviour Science Approach: need hierarchy theory and two factor theory; System theory of management; contingency theory.

Unit 4: Planning and Decision Making

Concept, features and importance of planning; types of planning; levels of planning: strategic, tactical and operational; planning process; pitfalls of planning; improving planning; Decision making: concept, types and process; decision making conditions in hospitality industry: certainty, risk and uncertainty.

Unit 5: Organizing

Concept and characteristics of organizing; organizing process; principles of organizing; forms of organizational structure: simple structure, functional structure, multidivisional .structure, geographic structure, and matrix structure. Types of authority; line authority and staff authority; concept of authority, authority and responsibility,  concept and advantages of centralization and decentralization of authority, concept, advantages and disadvantages of decentralization; Emerging issues inorganization design of hospitality industry:
Re-engineering process, team work, downsizing, network, and virtual organization 

Unit 6: Leading

Meaning and qualities of leadership; functions(roles) of leadership for successful functioning of hospitality industry, Leadership Styles: autocratic, democratic, and participative; concept and types of groups; reasons for joining groups. Motivation: concept, importance, and techniques; communication: meaning, process, and communication networks; types of communication, barriers to effective communication, measures for improving communication

Unit 7: Controlling

Meaning, features, purposes and process of controlling; types of control; importance
of control; essentials of effective eontrolling the hospitality industry; control tools
and techniques; quality: concept and importance; dimensions of quality; factors
affecting quality; total quality management: concept, components, principles;
emerging issues in quality management.