Office of the Dean
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hrs
BHM /Second Semester / BHM 322: HouseKeeping Management
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt ALL questions
Group “A”
Brief Answer Questions: [10×1=10]
- Define the following terms:
a. Par stock
b. Fabric
c. Valet service
d. Pile
e. stain
f. Ikebana
g. Sorting
1. Budget
i. Interior design
j. Linen
Group “B”
Short Answer Questions: [6x 5= 30]
- How are fibers classified? Discuss each with examples.
- Explain the different characteristics of color.
- Draw a neat format of maintenance slip and fill in the details.
- Explain the significance of “Frequency Schedule’ and ‘Productivity Standards in planning and organizing of the housekeeping department. What are the factors to be considered while deciding on contract services?
- What is curtain? Explain its characteristics.
Group “C”
Comprehensive Answer Questions: [2 * 10 = 20]
- Draw a neat layout of the linen room. Explain the functions of linen room.
- Why is laundry important in a hotel? Explain the various equipments used in laundry.
Office of the Dean
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hrs
BHM /Second Semester / BHM 322: HouseKeeping Management
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt ALL questions
Group “A”
Brief Answer Questions: [10 * 1 = 10}
- Define the following terms:
a. Upholstery linen
b. Carpet
c. Par leve!
d. Fiber
e. Valet
f. PH scale
g. Maintenance slip
h. Blinds
i. Yarn
j. Color wheel
Group “B”
Short Answer Questions: [6x 5 = 30 ]
- How the linen and uniform par is established? Explain.
- What points should be considered while preparing duty roaster? Describe.
- Define curtain and explain the types of curtain.
- Describe a laundry room. Elucidate the importance of laundry in a hotel.
- Determine the productivity standard to clean a guest room.
Given shift time = 8 hours
Time for tea break = 15 minutes
Time for lunch break = 30minutes - Why flower arrangement is important in a hotel? Explain the types of light.
Comprehensive Answer Questions: [2 x 10 = 20]
- What is fiber? Explain the characteristics of natural and man-made fiber with suitable examples.
- Explain the factors to be considered while deciding a contract service? Also I mention the advantages and disadvantages of contract service.
Office of the Dean
Aug-Sep 2017
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hrs
BHM /Second Semester / BHM 322: HouseKeeping Management
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt ALL questions
Group ‘A’
Brief Answer Questions: [10 * 1 = 10]
- What is Par stock?
- Define Camouflage
- Why is inspection done?
- Enlist the types of artificial light.
- What are warm and cool colors?
- Mention the types of carpet.
- What is Valet service?
- Write the function of Suzie in laundry.
- Define Ikebana.
- List out the types of budget.
Group “B”
Short Answer Questions: [6x 5 = 30]
- How are fibers classified? Discuss with examples.
- Explain the basic principles of color.
- What points should be considered while preparing duty roaster?
- Write a note on various types of carpets available for use in the hotels.
- Explain the use of the elements of design in hotels.
- Write short notes on
a. Types of curtain
b. Linen condemnation.
Group ‘C’
Comprehensive Answer Questions: [2x 10 = 20]
- Draw the neat layout of the linen room. And also mention the functions of linen room.
- What is laundry? Explain the various equipment used in laundry.
Office of the Dean
September 2018
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hrs
BHM /Second Semester / BHM 322: HouseKeeping Management
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt ALL questions
Group “A”
Brief Answer Questions [10 x 1= 10]
- How the linen par is established?
- What is meant by Frequency schedule?
- What is spotting?
- Mention four points for care and storage of uniform.
- Write the function of flat work ironer.
- What is PH scale?
- Define tertiary color.
- What do you mean by performance standard?
- Role of Valet attendant.
- Types of contract service.
Group “B”
Short Answer Questions: [6* 5 = 30]
- Discuss the various types of window covering.
- How would you remove the following stains? a. Ballpoint ink b. Chewing gum
- Determine the productivity standard to clean a guest room.
- What are warm and cool colors? How are they used in interiors?
- Why is light considered as a most important element for interior design?
- Write short notes on:
a. Area Inventory list
b. Purpose of Inspection.
Group “C”
Comprehensive Answer Questions: [2 * 10 = 20]
- Draw the neat layout of laundry room. Why is laundry important in a hotel?
- What do you mean by fiber and fabrics? Explain its classification and characteristics in detail.
Office of the Dean
September 2019
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hrs
BHM /Second Semester / BHM 322: HouseKeeping Management
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt ALL questions
Group “A”
Brief Answer Questions: [1 * 10 = 10]
- What do you mean by sorting?
- Why inspection is necessary in hotel? ?
- What is the theme of RED and YELLOW color?
- Define linen condemnation.
- What is spotting?
- Mention four points for care and storage of uniform.
- Write the function of Flat work Ironer.
- What do you mean by linen movement?
- Mention any five examples of artificial fibers.
- What is the different between Parking Attendants and Valet Attendants?
Group “B”
Short Answer Questions: [6 * 5 = 30]
- Define duty roster. What are the points to be considered while preparing the roaster?
- Why the light is considered as a most important element for interior design?
- How would you calculate the productivity standard of room cleaning in 12 hours duty? Explain.
- Mention the purpose of inspection and explain the method of inspection.
- What are the advantage and disadvantage of contract cleaning?
- Write short notes on:
a. Area inventory list
b. Color as a camouflage
Group “C”
Comprehensive Answer Questions: 12 * 10=20]
- Draw the neat layout of laundry room. Why laundry is important in hotel?
- Planning is the most important management function of Executive Housekeeper. Explain.
Office of the Dean
April 2022
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hrs
BHM /Second Semester / BHM 322: HouseKeeping Management
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt ALL questions
Group “A”
Brief Answer Questions: [10 x 1 = 10]
- Define linen purchase.
- What is stock taking?
- Mention the equipment used in uniform room.
- Define staple fiber.
- What is a centralized linen room?
- List out any four artificial lights.
- What are warm and cool colours?
- Explain the use of perchloroethylene in a sentence.
- Define stains.
- What is scheduling?
Group “B”
Short Answer Questions: [6 x 5 = 30]
- What do you mean by uniform? Explain its issuing procedure.
- What is the significance of interior design in hotel? Mention the factors affecting interior design.
- What is colour wheel? Explain the basic principles of colour.
- Determine the productivity standard to clean a guest room on the basis of following, Given shift time = 8 hours
Tea/coffee break = 15 minutes
Lunch break = 45 minutes - Explain the various components of carpet.
- What is flower arrangement? Describe the different types of flower arrangement.
Group “C”
Comprehensive Answer Questions: [2 x 10 = 20]
- Draw a neat layout of linen room and explain the duties and responsibilities of linen keeper and linen room attendant.
- Mention the different categories of laundry along with their advantages and disadvantages.
Office of the Dean
March-April 2023
Group “A”
Brief Answer Questions: [10 x 1 = 10]
- Define the term Chroma.
- What is Ikebana?
- How do you define duty roster?
- Which type of chemical is used for dry cleaning process?
- Define commercial laundry.
- What is spotting?
- List the design components.
- What do you mean by condemn linen.
- Give the meaning of scheduling.
- Define wrap and weft.
Group “B”
Short Answer Questions: [6 x 5 = 30]
- Discuss the factors to be considered while preparing duty roaster.
- Define interior design. Explain different types of light.
- What is productivity standard? Calculate productivity standard having nine hours working duration.
- Briefly mention the merits and demerits of contract services.
- Explain the characteristics of color and also mention the points to be considered to select the appropriate color.
- Write short notes on:
a. Types of Curtains
b. Purpose of inspection
Group “C”
Comprehensive Answer Questions: [2 x 10 = 20]
- Explain the functions of linen room. Also write the importance of laundry.
- Define the term fabric and classify them on the basis of their use.