Office of the Dean
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hrs
BHM /Second Semester / BHM 203: Business Communication
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Group “A”
Brief Answer Questions: [5 * 2 = 10]
- Punctuate the following sentences.
a. Jenny said that the work was very difficult. It’s not really difficult I said but it is time-consuming.
b. Each team was allowed the following 10 kilos of food including fruit water salt and ample petrol. - Report the following items of the direct speech using the suitable reporting word.
a. “Don’t go too near the edge, children,” Deepan said, “You can easily slip there if you’re not careful and that can be quite dangerous.”
b. “It’s not fair,” said Fanny, “Why does the company have to treat me so badly? These sorts of things never happen to anybody else.”
- Complete these sentences with correct linking words and phrases.
a. Some metals………………………. platinum, are more expensive than gold.
b. Town’s traditional handcrafts depends on two materials …………. leather and silk. - Arrange the following words to make the sensible sentence.
a. We / young /trousers / aggressive /an/ from / salesman/ bought.
b. low backed/ was / wearing /a /dress / and /high heeled / shoes/Chapline. - Put the frequency adverbs into these sentences.
a. I kiss friends when we meet. (never)
b. The flight arrives at eleven. (normally)
Group “B”
Conceptual Questions: [6 x 5 = 30]
- Imagine that you recently stayed in a hotel in Pokhara. When you got home you discovered that you had left something valuable in the hotel room. Write a letter to the hotel. In your letter describe the item that you left behind and say where you left it, ask the hotel to arrange to send it to you, and suggest a way to pay for the postage.
- Write an application letter, along with your curriculum vitae, to apply for the post of Sous Chef. Imagine that you are a BHM Graduate and possess a required work experience.
- Draft a text for a holiday brochure about an unusual type of holiday, eg. Pony trekking, safari, grape-picking, etc.
- Write story about a student who was poor in English language degree who was poor in English language when he joined Bachelor’s degree. But his insistent effort made him a fluent speaker and an excellent writer in English.
- Draft a conversation between a waiter and come to dine in the restaurant.
- Write a memo to all the members of a hotel on unauthorized use of materials like fax machine, phone, photocopy machine etc.
Group “C”
Analytical Answer Questions: [2 x 10= 20]
12. Imagine that you had applied for the post of F&B manager in a hotel, and you were called for an interview. Draft a transcription of a full-fledged interview between you and a panel of interviewers.
13. Look at the graph which describes the progress of virus epidemic in Jalyo Fulikim district. Enlisted statements correspond to the different part of the graph. Write an article to accompany the graph.

► Return of a small group of migrant workers from an infected area.
►Very dry spring; lack of drinking water.
► Quarantine measures introduced by government.
► WHO sends limited supplies of medicine.
► Medicine loses effectiveness; reasons unknown
► Doctors recognize a virulent strain that resists treatment.
►Vaccine produced; population vaccinated.
Office of the Dean
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hrs
BHM /Second Semester / BHM 203: Business Communication
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Group “A”
Brief Answer Questions: [5 x 2 = 10]
- Make direct and indirect question each to show cultural awareness.
- First impression comes from appearance. Describe your business communication teacher if s/he is formal or casual.
- What are the essentials of business letter writing and also mention the rationale of report writing.
- Report the following into indirect speech?
a. “What will happen if I refuse?” Jim said quitely to himself
b. “All right, the boys can go home.” said Miss Pritchard - Choose the correct word:
a. The vegetables that had been stored too long were (intense/ brillant/spoiled).
b. There are (a few/ a little) places where the sea level is rising.
Group “B”
Conceptual Questions: [6 x5 = 30]
- Imagine that you are a Tour operator of a travel agency. Draft a letter to a reputed hotel requesting for booking rooms for six guests for three nights.
- Your friend Hilary Binder from Spain wants to learn Nepali language to become a multilingual student at the university. Write a letter detailing your experience in language learning, and explain what you think the best way to go about it.
- You have purchased a Micro Oven for the guests in your Home Stay. But the Oven malfunctioned and the concerned failed to have warranty honored. Write a letter of complaint mentioning all the problems you have encountered and what you expect now.
- Write an instruction on “Making an Omelette”.
- Write a brochure of any Tourist destination with its location, features and attractions.
- Hotel Hyatt Regency has a vacancy for reception clerk at hotel conference center. They require a person with having good standard of education along with computer experience and fluency in English and French. Apply enclosing resume to: The personal manager, Hotel Hyatt Regency, Boudha, Kathmandu PO, Box. 9609.
Group “C”
Analytical Answer Questions: [2 x 10 = 20]
- Write story sharing your good and bad experiences in the field of tourism after the devastating earthquake of 25th April, 2015.
- Write, in detail, the job division in American Society as given in the pie-chart.

Office of the Dean
Aug-Sep 2017
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hrs
BHM /Second Semester / BHM 203: Business Communication
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Group “A”
Brief Answer Questions: [5 x 2 = 10]
- Report the following into indirect speech.
a. “All right, the boys can go home,” said Miss Pitchard.
b. “Jones!” Said the headmaster. “Pick up those papers at once!” - Punctuate the following sentences.
a. There’s no doubt about it madam said the manager
b. Whats the sense in saying its Jacks - Fill in the blanks with suitable words or phrases.
a. I am enclosing a photocopy of the letter………. you can judge its tone for yourself.
b. The offer in this brochure concerns only house hold appliances, - Choose the correct word.
a. Though she was unwell, she played the match (enthusiastic/ enthusiasm/enthusiastically) b. There are (a few/a little) places where the seal level is rising. - Put the words in order and add a, an or some.
a. Exciting/movie/action
b. Village/local/beautiful
Group “B”
Conceptual Questions: [6 x 5 = 30]
- Imagine that you are on your personal visit to Thailand next week. Draft a letter to be single room in your name at a reputed hotel.
- Your company received the telephone bills of the month of July with more than expected amount. Draft a complaint letter to the concerned authority requesting to matter seriously.
- Suppose that a hotel or a travel agency is at a hotel or a travel agency is looking for a qualified “Guest Relation Officer”. Apply with a bio sheet.
- Write a brochure of reputed hotel or travel agency containing all details of its services and facilities.
- Write a newspaper article about changing roles of men and women in your country.
- Write an instruction to one of your friends about how to use a branded cell phone or digital camera which is recently introduced in the market.
Group “C”
Analytical Answer Questions: [2 * 10 =20]
- Write a story about a real or imaginary house or other buildings which has something mysterious about it.
- You have recently visited Singapore Hospitality Services Office. It was an industrial visit required by your university curriculum. During your visit you experienced many techniques that you have not practiced in Nepal as far as hospitality is concerned, You also attended a work-shop that facilitated students to enhance their skill on hospitality management. Write a short formal report to submit to your program coordinator mentioning the details you experienced during your industrial visit.
Office of the Dean
September 2018
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hrs
BHM /Second Semester / BHM 203: Business Communication
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Group “A”
Brief Answer Questions: [10 * 1 = 10]
- Describe one of the best products that you offer to your European guests.(Not more than three sentences)
- How culture is associated to hotel industry?
- What makes the descriptive essay effective?
- What is social etiquette?
- What are the essentials of C.V.?
- Mention any three types of greetings.
- Report the following statement:
“Don’t start suggesting that I was responsible”, Fred said, “I wasn’t even here when the fire started. - Complete the following sentences using linking words and phrases.
a. I am sending you my CV,_________ you will have a chance to study it.
b. The offer in this brochure concerns only household appliances, i.e. _______ . - Change the following into indirect questions.
a. Has she seen john today?
b. Can Paul speak English? - Punctuate the following statement:
Mr. Jones said that the assignment was very difficult It’s not really difficult I said but it is time consuming.
Group “B”
Conceptual Questions: [6 * 5 = 30]
- As a business graduate with concentration on service industry, you noticed a lot of job opportunities. Write a letter to your friend, who is confused about his carrier, detailing what kind of job s/he is capable of with the degree similar to yours. Offer some job search guidelines as well.
- Write a letter to hotel D’ Annapurna, Durbar Marg Kathmandu requesting a conformation of convention room to conduct a seminar for visually impaired people environment program on January 1-3, 2019. Convince the hotel management to offer the convention room for free as your program is humanitarian.
- Write a memo to all the staff of a company, suggesting ways of economizing on the use of papers, telephone, electricity, photocopier, etc.
- Mr. Yadav serves in the capacity of event manager at Amezon India. He wrote an inquiry letter if you hotel, Soaltee Crown Plaza could be a place to host a week long recreation cum training program for 200 participants. Now respond to Mr. Yadav’s inquiry offering all the details and facilities available at your organization.
- Prepare a short report based on your recent academic visit to one of the reputed hotels in Nepal.
- Write a newspaper article on the changing roles of men and women in Nepali society.
Group “C”
Analytical Answer Questions: [2 * 10 = 20]
- Read the following situation and answer the questions asked below.
Even though employment recruiters might think they’ve seen it all by now, innovative job applicants still keep finding new ways to get their resumes tossed into the recycling bin. Here are a few examples for your amusement-and warning, if you’re inclined to share a little too much information:
The passing of a beloved relative is never easy, but should grief over a departed relative keep someone out of the workforce for three months? That’s how one job applicant explained a three-month gap in his employment history.
One applicant’s resume arrived in an envelope that had a picture of a car on it, along with an explanation saying it would be a gift for the hiring manager.
A person’s family medical history is obviously important to him or her, but it’s not something to put on a resume as one job seeker did, for reasons unknown.
In a valiant effort to cram as many mistakes as possible onto a single page, one creative candidate included a full body photo of herself-in thigh-high boots, no less-and used oversized, fluorescent pink paper. This resume probably did look pretty as it fluttered off a recruiter’s desk into the recycling bin.
Expressing strong interest in a job is good, but not if that interest is expressed like this: “to keep my parole officer from putting me back in jail.”
One applicant’s mother was proud of her, to be sure, but including a letter from her with a resume made the applicant look like, well, a child.
These cringe-inducing blunders are worth more than a quick chuckle: They’re a great reminder of why it is crucial to understand the purpose of a resume and the effect a resume has on hiring managers.
Even well-qualified applicants sometimes talk themselves right out of an opportunity by making avoidable blunders during a job interview. Take care to avoid these all-too common mistakes:
An interview isn’t an interrogation, and the interviewer isn’t out to get you. Treat interviews as business conversations, an exchange of information in which both sides have something of value to share. You’ll give (and get) better information that way.
Interviewers expect you to ask questions, both during the interview and at its conclusion. they ask if you have any questions. If you have nothing to ask, you come across as e who isn’t really interested in the job or the company. Prepare a list of questions before every interview.
Failing to answer questions-or trying to bluff your way through difficult questions. If you can’t answer a question, don’t try to talk your way around it or fake your way through it. Remember that sometimes interviewers ask strange questions just to see how you’ll respond. What kind of fish would you like to be? How would you go about nailing jelly to the ceiling? Some of these questions are designed to test your grace under pressure, whereas others are used to get you to think through a logical answer. (Manhole covers are round because a circle is the only shape that can’t fall through an open hole of slightly smaller size, by the way.) Don’t act like the question is stupid or refuse to answer it. As Lynne Sarikas, director of the MBA Career Center at Northeastern University, explains, these questions offer an opportunity to “demonstrate quick thinking, poise, creativity, and even a sense of humor.
Likewise, as a candidate one learns to customize job application expressing creativity, meeting the requirements for the position, studying the job responsibilities, and highlighting the adoptability in the organization and position, and accrediting one’s own merits.
a. Is it a good idea to “show some personality in your resume? How should you handle the employment section of your resume if you really did take three months off work to grieve the loss of your relative?
b. Interviewing is a skill that can be improved through practice and observation just as job application letter. Now write a letter of application for the position of F&B manager that requires an engaging personality and intelligence but a minimum of specialized education.
Office of the Dean
September 2019
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hrs
BHM /Second Semester / BHM 203: Business Communication
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Group “A”
Brief Answer Questions: [10 * 1 = 10]
- What are the essentials of writing descriptive essay?
- Rewrite the following sentences by choosing the correct words.
a. In Dubai, people eat lot of rice. Korean families serve rice at most meals. (similarly / in contrast)
b. Lemons are yellow. Limes are green (unlike / similarly)
- Write an example of a very formal request that you make to your senior.
- Correct the following sentence with suitable punctuations.
The summer is short and intense the winter is long but mild. - What is primary research in report writing?
- Why is normally Memo used in an office?
- Who will you need to communicate with while working in the hospitality industry?
- Our first impression comes from appearance. Describe the personality for your English teacher in a couple of sentences.
- Make direct and indirect questions each to show cultural awareness.
- What could be some suitable topics to begin conversation with the strangers?
Group “B”
Conceptual Questions: [6 * 5 = 30]
- As the local manager of an international hotel chain, you place high priority on professional etiquette. Not only does it communicate respect to your clients, it also instills confidence in your hotel by showing that you and your staff are aware of and able to meet the expectations of almost any audience. Earlier today, you took four recently hired college graduates to lunch with an important client. You’ve done this for years, and it’s usually an up heat experience for everyone, but today’s lunch was a disaster. One of the new employees made not one, not two, but three calls on his mobile phone during lunch. Another interrupted the client several times and even got into a mild argument. The third employee kept making sarcastic jokes about politics, making everyone at the table uncomfortable. You’ve already called the client to apologize, but now you need to coach these employees on proper business etiquette. Write a detail memo to these employees, explaining why etiquette is so important to the company’s success and to their individual careers.
- Your boss wants to learn about your employment details. Select a position you now hold and one that you have held in the past. You may also select an internship or volunteer activity. Write an information report describing your employment or involvement. In the introduction describe the company and its product or services, its ownership, and its location. In the main part of the report, describe your position, including its tasks and the skills required to perform these tasks summarize by experience you gained. Your report should have a minimum 400 words and should be addressed to your boss.
- Your friend Jeany Boyal from New York, USA wants to learn Nepali language to become a multilingual employee at her office. Write a letter detailing your experience in language learning and explain what you think the best way to go about it.
- Rewrite the following email about hotel room reservation effectively.
To:,uk From: David Mathews Subject: Booking 2 nights Hey Ascot Hotel. Plz reserve a single quiet room for two nights with breakfast. I will arrive at about 10 p.m. and I have an early meeting the next morning. The payment is 575 per night. Confirm my booking. Many thanks. David Mathews |
- Write a description of a main course that you are serving to the guests, who have come to attend an international conference, from geographically diverse location. The main course has been one of the attractions in your hotel. Before writing the detailed description, give your introduction to the guests.
- Soaltee Crown Plaza hotel has vacancy for stewards at F&B service. They require persons with have good standard of education along with fluency in English and French. Apply enclosing CV to: The Personnel Manager, The Soaltee Crown Plaza Hotel, Tahachal Kathmandu, Po Box, 97. ( Construct attractive CV and write a compelling job application letter.)
Group “C”
Analytical Answer Questions: [2 * 10 = 20]
- Read the following case and answer the questions asked below.
Cedar’s is a chain hotel of five outlets, two located in Youngstown, two in Akron , and one in Cleveland. Cedar’s main office is in Akron.
Jane Pyle is the the office manager at the main office. She supervises four word-processing operators. Three of Pyle’s employees are efficient and thorough. She tells them what she wants done once, and it is done. However , the fourth employee, Harriet Enders seems to get little done right. She finishes her daily work, but she frequently has to redo it, thus putting an extra burden on the other three operators. They have to make up the work . Enders has no time for because she is redoing her original work. The other three employees are beginning to complain. To Pyle about the operation.
Pyle doesn’t want to terminate Enders because Pyle knows her subordinate can be a hard worker. When she does follow directions, Enders is the first of the four word-processing operator to finish. the office manager wonders why Enders doesn’t understand directions while the other three people always seem to. She is almost sure that, although Enders is hearing, she is not listening. Enders problem is preventing the office work from running smoothly.
a. Write the dialogue Pyle might use to open the discussion with Enders about this problem.
b. What environmental factors might be responsible for Enders’ difficulty in listening?
Office of the Dean
April 2022
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hrs
BHM /Second Semester / BHM 203: Business Communication
Group “A”
Brief Answer Questions: [10 x 1 = 10]
- Punctuate the following sentences:
a) Its exact translation is somewhat difficult isnt it
b) Yes I do I said in a loud voice - Report the following into indirect speech:
a) Nellie said, “If you like, I’ll feed the children and put them to bed, and then you can go out for the evening.””
b) “Don’t start suggesting that I was responsible,” Fred said, “I wasn’t even here when the fire started.” - Complete these sentences with correct linking words :
a) Some metals ______Platinum, are more expensive than gold.
b) The town’s traditional handicraft depends on two materials________ leather and silk. - How do you initiate a dialogue with the European guest?
- Enlist the features of business letter writing.
- Why does cultural issue matter in a business conversation?
- Define encoding and decoding.
- Why stereotyping matters in hospitality industry?
- Enumerate the characteristics of effective communication.
- Write the process to refuse a request.
Group “B”
Conceptual Questions: [6 * 5 = 30]
- Imagine that you are a hospitality graduate. Write a cover letter with CV to apply for the position of Guest Relation Officer in a reputed organization.
- Suppose your friend from Saudi Arab is coming to Nepal. Write a letter to him describing Nepali culture and values that would be joyful for him during his stay in Nepal.
- Pretend that you are the principal of your college. Prepare memo regarding the upcoming pre-board exam rules and regulations.
- Imagine that you are the sales manager of a reputed hotels and your hotel requires some kitchen wares. Draft a letter to your regular supplier placing the order of some urgent items.
- Write an article analyzing prospects and challenges of adventure tourism in Nepal to publish in a leading travel magazine.
- Imagine that your recently talked to your foreign friend. Your conversation with her focused on tourism education in post pandemic Nepal. Write the conversation limiting it in 1500 words.
Group “C”
Analytical Answer Questions: [2 * 10 = 20]
17. Suppose you have recently organized sports tournament. Prepare a memo report to be submitted to the college principal.
18. Write a newspaper article on the prospect and challenges of post pandemic tourism business.
Office of the Dean
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hrs
BHM /Second Semester / BHM 203: Business Communication
Group “A”
Brief Answer Questions: [10 x 1 = 10]
- Complete the sentences with adverbs of frequency, so that the sentences are true for you:
a. I ……………… talk about work during meals.
b. I ………………. discuss politics with my friends. - Rewrite the following sentences into reported speech using appropriate reporting verb:
a. ‘I give you my word’, said the manager. ‘ that I won’t tell anyone what you say, Mr.Ridgeway, but I really would be pleased if you could put down your comments on paper and let me have them.’
b. Nellie said, ‘If you like, I’ll feed the children and put them to bed, and then you can go out for the evening.’ - How would you introduce yourself to someone if you are meeting for the first time?
- Use appropriate linking word or phrase to complete the following sentences:
a. Your article stated the teachers’ salaries were low, and that they should ………………….. be given a substantial rise.
b. I am sending you my CV, as well as other information, ………………………. you’ll have a chance to study it before our interview. - Write a short conversation requesting a help from your friend/colleague to install a record keeping computer software.
Group “B”
Conceptual Questions: [6 * 5 = 30]
- A simple gesture of handshake can give a glimpse into an individual’s personality. Do you agree with this? Explain your answer with an example.
- Write an informal letter to you friend, whi is worried about his/her body weight, suggesting the ways to reduce it.
- Give instruction to your new friend on how one can effectively learn your local language.
- Write a complaint letter to drag the attention of concerned body about the encroachment of footpath by the street vendors.
- Write an interesting story about your first job interview experience.
- Prepare a memo to circulate among the office employees about the need to maintain the personal hygiene and punctuality in office.
Group “C”
Analytical Answer Questions: [2 * 10 = 20]
- Prepare a holiday brochure about a place where you can have a perfect holiday.
- Define non-verbal communication and mention its importance in business. Highlight the importance of non-verbal communication by drawing examples from different types of non-verbal communication.