2nd semester Food and Beverage Service Notes

Unit 1: Understanding guest service and the meal experience

Difference between products and services Product is the sum of the physical and psychological satisfaction that provides to the buyers. It is the idea or object developed by the organizations to offer to the customers. A product refers to anything presented to a market with the intention of gaining attention, being purchased, utilized, or consumed, […]

Unit 1: Understanding guest service and the meal experience Read More »

BHM / IHM Tobacco Notes (Food and Beverage Service)

Tobacco Notes: Introduction to Tobacco Tobacco means a leaf obtained from plant of the Solanaceae family, containing 1%-3% of alkaloid nicotine (C10H14N2), that undergo curing and fermentation processes, which produces narcotic effect when smoked, snuffed, or chewed. And Nicotiana Tobacum is the plant which produces tobacco for the world commerce. And, Nicotiana Rustica is also

BHM / IHM Tobacco Notes (Food and Beverage Service) Read More »