About Author

Full Name: Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald (American Novelist)
Date of Birth: September 24, 1896
Birthplace: Saint Paul, Minnesota
Famous Writings:
- This Side of Paradise (1920)
- The Beautiful and Damned (1922)
- The Great Gatsby (1925)
- Tender Is the Night (1934)
Passed Away : December 21, 1940 (aged 44) at Los Angeles, California, U.S.
Characters in story
- Michael: He’s a main character and guy who seems a bit nervous and out of place at the wedding. He didn’t get his fancy outfit delivered, so he’s feeling awkward standing among all the well-dressed people.
- Caroline: She’s also the main character, likely the bride. Caroline is described as beautiful and calm. She kisses Michael on the lips during the reception, showing kindness.
- Hamilton Rutherford: He’s probably the groom. Hamilton seems a bit stressed but is trying to enjoy his wedding day. He’s hosting a big, expensive party and seems to be having a good time despite some worries.
- Hamilton Rutherford’s Parents: They are mentioned as walking side by side at the wedding, despite being divorced. They seem proud and supportive of their son’s marriage.
- Old Mrs. Dandy: She’s an older lady who seems to have been ill but is now doing better. She appreciates the flowers Michael sent when she was sick.
- Jebby West: He’s a friend of Michael’s who attends the wedding. He seems to admire Caroline’s confidence and self-assurance.
- George Packman: He’s another guest at the wedding. There’s a description of his “fat back” and how he looks unsteady, but he’s part of the celebration.
- Others: The American ambassador
Summary (Short)
Introduction: Michael Curly attends a party where he meets Hamilton Rutherford and learns about his upcoming marriage to Caroline.
Party Conversations: Michael talks to Rutherford and others about relationships and drinking habits. He observes Caroline’s strained demeanor (i.e. attitude).
Caroline’s strained demeanor” refers to her tense or uneasy behavior. In the context of the story, it suggests that Caroline is not completely happy or relaxed, possibly indicating inner conflict or dissatisfaction despite the upcoming wedding. This observation hints at Caroline’s emotional state and adds to the complexity of the situation for Michael, who still harbors feelings for her.
Michael’s Feelings: Michael realizes he still has feelings for Caroline, despite her upcoming marriage. He feels out of place among the wealthy crowd.
Desperate Measures: Michael tries to talk to Caroline before the wedding but fails to do so. He decides to confront Rutherford about his intentions.
Rutherford’s Perspective: Rutherford explains his views on marriage and responsibility to Michael, who disagrees with him.
Michael’s Desperation: Michael feels helpless and desperate as the wedding approaches. He tries to see Caroline but fails.
The Wedding Day: Michael attends the wedding and reception. He struggles with his emotions but ultimately finds peace in the happiness of others.
Conclusion: Despite his lingering feelings for Caroline, Michael realizes he has moved on and finds closure at the wedding reception.
Summary (Long)
The passage follows Michael, who receives a note informing him of his former love Caroline’s engagement and imminent marriage to Hamilton Rutherford in Paris. Michael is devastated, haunted by his lack of success and financial instability that caused him to lose Caroline. Despite his anguish, he encounters Caroline and Hamilton on the street, where Caroline briefly glimpses Michael’s pain. Michael, grappling with his emotions, receives news of his inheritance, but it brings him little solace. He resolves to hold onto hope, determined to maintain a place in Caroline’s heart despite the impending marriage. The passage explores themes of lost love, regret, and the resilience of hope in the face of adversity.
In the second part of the passage, Michael attends a party at Chez Victor where he encounters Hamilton Rutherford, Caroline’s fiancé, and engages in a conversation with him about marriage and responsibility. Michael observes the weariness and excess drinking among the guests, but feels stimulated by the champagne. He musters the courage to ask Caroline to dance, but their interaction reveals her strained and tired demeanor. Despite his attempt to express his lingering feelings for her, Caroline insists she’s moved on and urges Michael to do the same.
As the wedding approaches, Michael becomes increasingly desperate to intervene. He arranges to meet Rutherford, intending to convince him to reconsider the marriage. However, Rutherford’s firm belief in his own control over the situation frustrates Michael. When a woman appears at the bachelor dinner claiming to have something to discuss with Rutherford, Michael senses an opportunity for disruption.
Later, Michael visits Caroline and confesses his love for her once more. However, when Rutherford arrives with news of his financial losses, Caroline reassures him and reaffirms her commitment to their relationship. Michael, resigned to the situation, leaves with a sense of defeat, realizing that Caroline has chosen Rutherford despite the financial setback.
In the final part, Michael observes the wedding ceremony, feeling out of place without his cutaway. He stands at the rear of the church, watching as the procession passes by. Throughout the ceremony, he interacts with various guests, including the bride and groom, Caroline’s family, and other acquaintances. Despite feeling awkward and uncomfortable, he manages to navigate through the event.
After the ceremony, everyone moves to the reception at the George-Cinq hotel, where Michael joins the receiving line and exchanges pleasantries with the guests. He observes Caroline’s demeanor, noting her apparent happiness and composure. Despite his own feelings of sadness and regret, Michael finds himself caught up in the festivities, enjoying the company of friends and the abundant champagne.
As the celebration continues, Michael reflects on the fleeting nature of life and love, realizing that he has been cured of his bitterness. He sees Caroline and Hamilton together, looking radiant and content, and accepts that they have embarked on a new chapter of their lives. With a newfound sense of peace, Michael bids them farewell, ready to move forward himself.
Breakdown of Story
The passage tells the story of Michael, who finds out that his old lover Caroline is getting married to someone else. He’s heartbroken because he couldn’t make enough money to keep her. When he sees Caroline and her fiancé in Paris, she senses his sadness. Later, Michael learns he’s inherited a lot of money, but it doesn’t make him feel better. He decides to keep hoping for a chance with Caroline, even though she’s about to marry someone else. The passage shows how love can be complicated and how people deal with heartbreak and hope.
In the second part, Michael goes to a party where he talks to Caroline’s fiancé, Hamilton Rutherford. They discuss marriage and Michael notices how tired everyone seems from drinking too much. He tries to dance with Caroline, but she seems distant and tired. Despite his attempts to express his feelings, Caroline insists she’s moved on.
As the wedding gets closer, Michael gets more desperate to stop it. He tries to talk to Rutherford, but Rutherford is confident in his decision. Then, at the bachelor party, a woman shows up wanting to talk to Rutherford, which gives Michael hope for a moment.
Later, Michael talks to Caroline again and confesses his love. But when Rutherford comes with news of his financial troubles, Caroline supports him. Michael realizes Caroline has chosen Rutherford, even though he’s lost money. He leaves feeling defeated, knowing he can’t change her mind.
In the end, Michael watches the wedding and feels a bit awkward because his fancy coat hasn’t arrived. He stands at the back of the church and sees everyone passing by. During the ceremony and reception, he talks to different people, including the bride, groom, and their families. Despite feeling uncomfortable at first, he starts to enjoy himself as he drinks champagne and chats with friends.
As the celebration goes on, Michael notices how happy and relaxed everyone seems. He realizes that he’s been holding onto some sadness and regret, but being part of the wedding helps him let go of those feelings. Seeing the newlyweds, Caroline and Hamilton, so happy together, makes him feel hopeful about the future.
In the end, Michael says goodbye to the couple and feels ready to move on. He’s grateful for the joy he’s experienced and feels optimistic about what’s to come.
Easy Nepali Translation
Story “The Bridal Party”ले Michael को कथा बताउँछ, जसले आफ्नो पुरानो प्रेमी Carolineले अरू कसैसँग विवाह गरिरहेको थाहा पाए। उसलाई राख्नको लागि पर्याप्त पैसा कमाउन नसक्दा Michael दुखी हुन्छ। जब उसले Caroline र उनको finance (मंगेतर) लाई Parisमा देख्छ, उसले आफ्नो उदासी (i.e. sad) महसुस गर्छ। पछि, माइकलले थाहा पाए कि उसले धेरै पैसा वंशानुगत रूपमा पाएको छ, तर यसले उसलाई राम्रो महसुस गर्दैन। उसले क्यारोलिनसँग मौकाको आशा राख्ने निर्णय गर्छ, यद्यपि उनी अरू कसैसँग विवाह गर्न लागेकी छिन्। Story ले प्रेम कसरी जटिल i.e. complicated हुन सक्छ र मानिसहरूले मन दुख्दा र आशा (hope) सँग कसरी व्यवहार (i.e. deal) गर्छन् भनेर देखाउँछ।
दोस्रो भागमा, माइकल एउटा पार्टीमा जान्छ जहाँ उसले क्यारोलिनको मंगेतर ह्यामिल्टन रदरफोर्डसँग कुरा गर्छ। तिनीहरू विवाहको बारेमा छलफल गर्छन् र माइकलले नोटिस गर्छन् कि धेरै रक्सी पिएर सबैजना थकित देखिन्छन्। उसले क्यारोलिनसँग नाच्ने प्रयास गर्छ, तर ऊ टाढा र थकित देखिन्छ। आफ्ना भावनाहरू व्यक्त गर्ने प्रयासको बावजुद, क्यारोलिनले जोड दिए कि उनी अगाडि बढेकी छिन्।
बिहे नजिकिंदै जाँदा माइकल यसलाई रोक्न थप हताश हुन्छ। उसले रदरफोर्डसँग कुरा गर्ने प्रयास गर्छ, तर रदरफोर्ड आफ्नो निर्णयमा विश्वस्त छन्। त्यसपछि, ब्याचलर पार्टीमा, एउटी महिला रदरफोर्डसँग कुरा गर्न चाहान्छिन्, जसले माइकललाई एक क्षणको लागि आशा दिन्छ।
पछि, माइकल फेरि क्यारोलिनसँग कुरा गर्छन् र आफ्नो प्रेम स्वीकार गर्छन्। तर जब रदरफोर्ड आफ्नो आर्थिक समस्याको खबर लिएर आउँछिन्, क्यारोलिनले उनलाई समर्थन गर्छिन्। माइकलले महसुस गरे कि क्यारोलिनले रदरफोर्डलाई रोजेको छ, यद्यपि उसले पैसा गुमाएको छ। उसले आफ्नो मन परिवर्तन गर्न सक्दैन भन्ने थाहा पाएर हारेको महसुस गर्छ।
अन्तमा, माइकलले विवाह हेर्छन् र अलि अप्ठ्यारो महसुस गर्छन् किनभने उनको फेन्सी कोट आइपुगेको छैन। उहाँ चर्चको पछाडि उभिनुहुन्छ र सबैलाई त्यहाँबाट गुज्रिरहेको देख्नुहुन्छ। समारोह र रिसेप्शनको समयमा, उनले दुलहा, दुलही र उनीहरूको परिवार सहित विभिन्न व्यक्तिहरूसँग कुरा गर्छन्। सुरुमा असहज महसुस गरे पनि, ऊ शैम्पेन पिउने र साथीहरूसँग कुराकानी गर्दा आफैंमा रमाइलो गर्न थाल्छ।
अन्तमा, माइकलले जोडीलाई अलविदा भन्छन् र अगाडि बढ्न तयार महसुस गर्छन्। आफूले अनुभव गरेको आनन्दको लागि उहाँ कृतज्ञ हुनुहुन्छ र के हुने बारे आशावादी हुनुहुन्छ।
Important Questions
- Some people believe that marriage are already made in heaven and they are executed on Earth. Does the story ” The Bridal Party” support this argument?
→ The story “The Bridal Party” doesn’t explicitly address the belief that marriages are made in heaven and executed on Earth. However, it does offer insights into the complexities and dynamics of marriage as experienced by the characters.
Throughout the story, we see various relationships unfold, including the marriage between Hamilton Rutherford and Caroline. While their wedding is depicted as a joyous occasion, there are underlying tensions and complexities within their relationship, such as Caroline’s previous pursuit of Hamilton and Michael’s unspoken feelings for Caroline.
In the context of the story, one could argue that the events leading up to the wedding and the interactions among the characters suggest that marriages are not preordained or predetermined by divine forces. Instead, they are shaped by human emotions, choices, and circumstances.
Ultimately, whether the story supports the argument that marriages are made in heaven and executed on Earth is subjective and open to interpretation. While it offers a glimpse into the intricacies of relationships, it does not provide a definitive answer to this philosophical question. - What will be your reaction if you receive a wedding invitation from the person you loved from you heart. Answer with reference from story ” The Bridal Party”.
→ If I received a wedding invitation from someone I deeply loved, similar to the situation in “The Bridal Party,” my reaction might be a mix of emotions. On one hand, there could be a feeling of surprise and perhaps even a tinge of sadness or disappointment, especially if there were lingering feelings for that person. The invitation might reopen old wounds or unresolved emotions.
However, I might also feel a sense of acceptance and closure. Seeing that person moving forward with their life and finding happiness, even if it’s not with me, could bring a sense of peace. It might serve as a reminder that life moves on and that it’s important to let go of the past in order to embrace the present and future.
Ultimately, my reaction would depend on the nature of my feelings for that person and the extent to which I had come to terms with the situation. - Why did Michael’s and Caroline’s relationship fall apart?
- What role does Michael play in the wedding, and how does he feel about attending?
→ Michael plays a significant but somewhat reluctant role in the wedding. Despite his reservations and discomfort, he attends the wedding of Caroline and Hamilton Rutherford. Throughout the event, he experiences a range of emotions, including discomfort, regret, and acceptance.
Michael’s primary role is that of a guest at the wedding. However, his emotional connection to Caroline complicates his experience. He feels uncomfortable witnessing Caroline’s marriage to another man, especially considering their past relationship and his lingering feelings for her. This discomfort is evident in his shaky demeanor and his decision to stand in the rear during the ceremony.
As the wedding progresses, Michael becomes increasingly uneasy about his presence at the event. He worries about how others perceive him and feels overwhelmed by the social interactions and expectations surrounding the occasion. Despite his inner turmoil, he navigates the event with a mix of politeness and resignation, engaging in small talk and offering compliments to the bride and groom.
Overall, Michael’s role in the wedding reflects his internal struggle to come to terms with Caroline’s marriage and his own feelings of longing and regret. His attendance highlights the complexities of human emotions and the challenges of navigating social events tied to past relationships. - What insights does the story offer about human emotions and relationships?
→ “The Bridal Party” offers insights into human emotions and relationships through its portrayal of characters and their interactions:
a. Love and Longing: Michael’s feelings for Caroline illustrate the complexity of love and longing. Despite their past relationship, he still harbors feelings for her, as seen in his reaction to her wedding. This highlights the enduring nature of romantic emotions and the difficulty of moving on from past loves.
b. Social Expectations: The story explores how social expectations and conventions influence relationships. Caroline’s decision to marry Hamilton Rutherford may be influenced by societal pressures or personal desires, reflecting the tension between individual desires and societal norms.
c. Regret and Acceptance: Michael’s feelings of regret and acceptance showcase the emotional journey of coming to terms with a lost love. His introspection throughout the wedding reception highlights the universal experience of grappling with past decisions and accepting their consequences.
d. Family Dynamics: The interactions between characters like Mrs. Dandy and Hamilton Rutherford’s parents shed light on family dynamics and generational differences. These relationships add depth to the narrative and emphasize the importance of familial bonds in shaping individuals’ emotions and decisions.
Overall, the story offers insights into the complexities of human emotions, the impact of social expectations on relationships, and the universal experiences of love, regret, and acceptance. - How do the other characters, such as Hamilton Rutherford and Mrs. Dandy, contribute to the narrative?
→ In “The Bridal Party,” other characters like Hamilton Rutherford and Mrs. Dandy contribute to the narrative in various ways:
a. Hamilton Rutherford: He is a central character whose wedding forms the backdrop of the story. His actions, such as engaging the entire bar and reception area for the wedding celebration, reflect his wealth and status. His interactions with other characters, like speaking to Michael and expressing his happiness, provide insight into his personality and relationships.
b. Mrs. Dandy: She represents an older generation and adds depth to the story through her interactions with Michael. Her gratitude for his past kindness and her observations about the wedding reflect her wisdom and experience. She also symbolizes the passage of time and the continuity of family traditions.
These characters contribute to the richness of the narrative by offering different perspectives, enhancing the portrayal of the wedding event, and highlighting themes such as social class, family dynamics, and the passage of time.